Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Blue or Purple Flowers

There’s something I don’t have just lying around: blue and purple flowers. I haven’t seen a lot of those anywhere. So I have to be a little creative here.

This was from last summer. You’ve seen the yellow ones last week and now I’m showing you the purple ones and no, I don’t have irises in pink or magenta, in case you’re wondering, just yellow and purple.


This tree annoys the crap out of my mom. She hates this tree. I just think it’s very unpredictable. Of the six years we’ve moved into our current home, this tree has done different things. One year, it was like a thorn bush. Then another year, it sprouted little red fruit that fell all over the ground. Then last year, apparently it wanted to flower. This tree has endured a lot of poison (literally) yet it lives.


I put this picture in here because it’s got purple flowers, see? Honestly though, I have no clue why I ever took this picture in the first place. I’ve never found a use for it until now.



Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge

6 thoughts on “Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Blue or Purple Flowers

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