A-Z Challenge 2016: E for Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm Quote

People, my boss, friend, etc. tell me I’m going to be a successful person but I’m don’t know. Just because I don’t give up and know how to save money by not spending it on unnecessary thing don’t mean I have the qualities of a successful person.

My mom says I know how to be frugal (cheap) because I don’t know how to make money. That’s partially true, I guess by taking a little money and turning it into a lot is a good skill, don’t you think?

However, if I’m going to be judged according to this quote, I’m not sure if I would be categorized as a will-be-successful person. Sure, I try again and again at somethings without giving up but I can’t say that after ten tries, I still have the same level of enthusiasm for the same task. Therefore in Winston Churchill’s point of view, I may not be considered a will-be-successful person.

What about you? When you read this quote, do you see that in yourself or someone you know? Please share.

Click here to catch up on my latest A to Z Challenge entries. 

Image Credit: Pinterest

20 thoughts on “A-Z Challenge 2016: E for Enthusiasm

    1. I would say love is an important component for success, whether it’s love for someone or for something one loves doing (a job or career). I agree, either way, one need love to be successful. Thanks for reading and sharing your insight. 🙂

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  1. I’ve always loved this quote! Meaning: Don’t let others derail your dreams. Whether it’s rejection letters from publishers, not getting hired by your desired employers, the person you love not reciprocating — Do Not Let Others Define YOUR Trajectory. Continue to refine, work hard, and follow your heart. It’s YOUR life – YOU are the only one who has to live with the consequences of your decisions.

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  2. Success can be in little things too. Just because I haven’t “made it” yet, doesn’t mean I’m not successful (I do not feel positive like this all the time though!). Great post. Makes you think!

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  3. Love the quote. Another of my favs about success is by Tom Robbins: “Success may be as bad as failure because it eliminates just as many options.”

    Succeed, don’t succeed, we’ll all end up in the same place someday.


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