Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers: Angels


“Today is the beginning of her destiny”, a voice boomed as she put on her jogging outfit and shoes but she didn’t hear it. 

“But she’s clearly not ready.” Another voice pleaded as she slammed the door.

The morning was cool and the sky was cloudy as she jogged to the park. As she rounded the corner, she bid the gentleman with the dog good morning and as she passed, she chuckled. Apparently the dog wasn’t cut out for morning walks.

She made her way to the park’s garden and stopped. Finally, she thought looking at the blooming flowers, spring is here. A clap of thunder made her jump. Above her, the clouds were swirling like a tornado. Not good, she thought and was about to turn around when she witnessed a lightning strike and then out of nowhere, men in black robes appeared around her. One after another, popping out of thin air. “Who are you?” She gasped.

“We are like you,” the man before her said, “We are angels.”

(~171 words)

I am participating in Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writer, where we write a piece between 100 and 150 words (more or less 25 words) in length inspired by the photo prompt above. 

19 thoughts on “Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers: Angels

    1. I don’t think so because how will she fulfill her destiny if she died? I thought it was creepy for angels to wear black robes too until I recently watched a made-for-tv movie and discovered that it doesn’t matter what color robe an angel wears, there are good and evil among them. Thank you for reading. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, I ran out of words and couldn’t think of exactly 4 more words to make it 175 words. 😀 I’ll admit though, this story gets me interested too. Thank you for reading.


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