Friday Fictioneers: The Gray Door


On high alert, Edmund tiptoed around the garden. If he’s caught once more by the house-keeper, Mrs. Pottsworth, his privilege to go outside would be taken away. Mrs. Pottsworth kept telling Edmund the current situation was a dangerous one. Edmund didn’t understand. The Germans would never think of bombing his uncle’s mansion and frankly, Edmund was bored.

“Help!” A muffled scream distracted him from his thoughts.

Around the corner, Edmund discovered a gray door barred by chains. The scream seemed to had originated from behind the door. “Hello?”

“Edmund! Let me out of here!” It was the voice of his dead mother.

(101 words)

Each week, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple hosts Friday Fictioneers where we’re challenged to write a piece of flash fiction in 100 words, more or less, based on the picture above.

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