2017 – New Horizon


It’s not everyday I got to watch a sunset like this – to watch the sun descend into the horizon. I took this picture last Friday at the capitol. It was very chilly. I had to wrap my scarf up to my nose but I must admit, the scene is beautiful and looking at this picture now is making me think about what is coming up.

2017 will be very different from 2016, I can already tell. It will definitely be somewhat of a new horizon. For one thing, I don’t have to study or focus on school or worry about grades. For once, I will have to find a full-time job and focus on earning the next paycheck.

It will be different for this blog too. I am not sure in what way yet but I am eager to find out.

I will no doubt work on my photography and writing. I have several stories started and definitely want to finish for my compilation of short stories.

I definitely want to publish something in 2017, doesn’t matter if it’s self-publish or through a book publisher, though I’m leaning toward self-publish because I’m not sure if I stand out among all the talented writers.

Another aspect I’m sure 2017 is different from 2016 is I’ll get to travel. I’m heading to China in about 20 days and I am excited, frightful, and nerve-wrecking. I haven’t even packed yet and have two large suitcases to fill. During my stay, I hope to visit other countries. My mom approved on Japan and my aunt wants to bring me to Europe to see the northern lights. She says she’ll only go if I go since she doesn’t speak and understand English. Cool.

So many awesome times to look forward to in 2017. However, to get there, I must get through some hurdles – finals but not too bad. Just two and that’s it and then I am done.

17 thoughts on “2017 – New Horizon

    1. I agree, my mom went back to school at 50 too but she quit after two semester. It was simply too difficult, not only for her but for me too. I wish you have a happy new year and good luck on your studies. 🙂


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