Friday Fictioneers: Just Another Day

PHOTO PROMPT © Na’ama Yehuda

“What cha doin’?” George asks.

“Reflectin’,” Sally replies, “Did you know today’s New Year’s Eve? If my phone hadn’t dinged this mornin’, I might’ve thought it was just ‘nother day.”

George shrugs, “Just ‘nother day to me.”

Sally shakes her head, “I blame this corona-thang, makin’ the days so monotonous and miserable. Remember when we weren’t allowed to leave our rooms? To protect us, they say. Ha, we’re 89-year-old, we’ve been through everythang. We don’t need protection.”

“They’re just thinkin’ ’bout us, Sal. It ain’t their fault.” George tilts his head toward the sky, smiles, and begins humming Auld Lang Syne.

My rendition of Auld Lang Syne

(100 Words)

For Friday Fictioneers

21 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: Just Another Day

  1. My heart bleeds for all the seniors who are isolated from their loved ones, many of them dying with only the impersonal click and hum of machinery. I like Sally’s spunk!

    And thanks for the song 🙂

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  2. Old folks are the most vulnerable but often think they have been through so much already they don’t need to worry about things like covid. When you have a president confirming that fallacy in their mind it makes it twice as bad. I hope these oldtimers stay safe and maybe in the coming months they can get reacquainted with their family and friends. Nice rendition of the song 🙂

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    1. Yes, I agree. I have two grandparents who have more or less the same sentiments. When my aunt asks how they’re doing, they’ll reply, “You worry about yourself first, this is nothing to us.” Thank you for dropping by. 🙂

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