#WeekendCoffeeShare: Returning to Normal

Good morning or afternoon wherever you are, come in, sit, and join me for a chat. Coffee? Tea?

The picture on the left was the final breakfast of the road trip – a slice of banana bread (one for me and one for my aunt) and a large cup (2 shots) of drip coffee. This cup of coffee belongs to my aunt, mine was 2-times bigger.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you my body and mind caught up with we last week and that was the reason why I wasn’t able to do #WeekendCoffeeShare. I was completely exhausted and didn’t want to do anything other than sleep. I didn’t even dare to drive fear I’d fall asleep and crash.

I guess that’s what happens after a week of restless nights and driving 800+ miles in 4 days before heading back to work for 10 hours on the 5th day.

It wasn’t because I couldn’t sleep on the trip. It was because each time I tried to sleep, my uncle’s wife would shout a random mispronounced English word and ask me what the word meant.

I started each day with a double shot of caffeine but I think what got me hyped and energized throughout the trip was the adrenaline and the excitement of being away from home and mom for the first time in 2 years.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you my road trip was great and I enjoyed driving every inch of Highway 12. I can now see why it’s named one of North America’s most beautiful highway. It’s truly one of those things one should do at least once. I posted one image taken with my phone each day on my road trip, you check it out with this link or click each of the images.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you I took over 500 pictures with my camera on this trip, a few dozen were combined to make panoramas. I would tell you I’m slowly processing those in Lightroom. The moment I loaded these images onto my computer, it was as though my computer was having a panic attack – the fan was going crazy and it kept on crashing. I guess it might had been a little too much. This means I will really need to sit down and spend time to look at each picture and flag it accept or reject.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you today (May 29) is the 3rd anniversary since I began working my current job. I look forward to this day each year because it means I get my annual raise. The raise isn’t substantial but it’s better than nothing and there’s always another raise the following year. I’m looking forward to getting a bigger paycheck in June.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you while I was on my road trip, my company booked a trip to Las Vegas for me. It’s a work trip and I’ll most likely be busy but at least I get to travel again in a little over a month. After this trip, I will really need to rest up to have enough energy for my Yellowstone trip the following week. It’s going to be a busy summer for me. I hope I will survive this.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you my garden is thriving so far. No pictures yet, I don’t want to jinx anything since it seems every time I post a bunch of picture, my garden would begin to take a dive for the worst.

My 2 tomato plants – Early Girl and Celebrity – are full of flowers, my cucumbers seedlings are growing slowly, my lettuces are getting there, and my bush beans are semi-growing, semi-recovering. When I returned from my road trip, I found my beans were dry and wilting. Clearly, my mom didn’t water my poor seedlings but they are okay now after some deep watering.

If we were having coffee, I would thank you for joining me in this edition of #weekendcoffeeshare and hope we’ll both return next week.

4 thoughts on “#WeekendCoffeeShare: Returning to Normal

  1. And the evidence mounts for why we have two different words, one for family and another for friends.
    Both can be crazy, but one you can dispose of. . .
    Glad you’re back safe and sound and had such a great road trip.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, I most likely will not be alone on my business trip since I will be super busy interacting with people but I understand your meaning, at least I’ll be away from home.


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