Special Announcement: #AtoZChallenge 2022 #ThemeReveal and Prologue

I actually began thinking about this last summer. What am I supposed to do for the 2022 A-Z Challenge? Let see:

  • I did a completely random theme in 2015 where I just posted whatever was on my mind that day.
  • In 2016, I did quotes where a quote was posted each day.
  • I traveled in 2017 and didn’t have time to do the challenge
  • In 2018, my theme was Photo Story where I post a photo along with a story about the photo.
  • In 2019, to coordinate with my busy work schedule, I went with the easy theme of 26 Wordless Photos and you know what they say, “a picture tells a thousand words”.
  • Skipped 2020 because of, well, 2020.
  • Of all the things I am” was my theme in 2021 which was sorta a memoir, to let my reader and followers get to know me a little better.

If you are curious, you can click this link and check out my posts from my previous A-Z Challenge!

Now onto this year’s theme:

The Mystery of the Millionaire Mansion

Please note this is a work of fiction…




Knock knock


Beep Beep

Five phones sounded at the time. One incoming email:

Subject: Congratulations!!!

Please be aware this is not a spam.

You have been chosen as one of the five lucky individuals to stay a week at the Millionaire’s Mansion. Be prepare for a week of lounging by the poolside, a week of being served by butlers, and a week of utter luxurious relaxation.

A car will be by to pick you up tomorrow morning. Please be prompt and ready at 8 AM. The driver is grumpy and waits for no one.

Sincerely yours,

Richard C. Hitchcock

F.Y.I, no relations to the famous movie man Alfred Hitchcock.

25 thoughts on “Special Announcement: #AtoZChallenge 2022 #ThemeReveal and Prologue

      1. There’s not really any directions to this. You just sign up, decide on a theme, do a theme reveal on your blog, and start blogging from A to Z on your blog. After the challenge ends, do a reflection post. As far as I know, that’s all there is.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. So you’re writing fiction then? That’s all I got from this theme reveal but the mystery of this prologue do make me sort of curious. Good luck with the challenge.

    Have a lovely day.

    Liked by 2 people

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