CMMC: May Alphabet – D Anywhere – Garden Meadow

In around late February when the top of the soil was no longer frozen, I went out into the garden to the empty patch of soil that was my experimental pollinator patch in 2023 and scattered 2 packets of flower mix into the soil – one is called Water-wise garden and the other packet is Made in the Shade. These photos are of the Made in the Shade flower mix.

I’ve always had a bad track record of having seeds germinating in the ground. I rarely have consistent germination with seeds sowed outdoors but I figured, why not give it a try, maybe I’d have more luck this year. I went out there and checked day after day and after a few rainstorms, I started seeing green popping up in the soil and was ecstatic.

As the weeks passed, the greenery began to fill the empty space, which is exactly what I was going for. Covering the soil will allow the soil to stay moist longer, which will reduce the need for watering and I will need that since I didn’t install any sort of irrigation in this patch of flowers. Up to that point, I had no idea what kind of flowers I would see, there were so many varieties in the flower mix that it was impossible to memorize the list or tell the plants apart.

The flowers started blooming about a week ago and more blooms have come since then, creating a lovely meadow in the garden. I love all the different colors of flowers, particularly these, Baby Blue Eyes (they’re called). It’s my favorite shade of blue and I love that it’s a departure from the usual colors of red, orange, and yellow. I look forward to showing more photos of my personal meadow as the year progresses.

Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge

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