Countries I would love to visit

Daily writing prompt
What countries do you want to visit?

There are many countries which I would love to visit, particularly the countries that are on my mom’s “Do-Not-Go” list. Yes, she has a list of countries, which she or I or anyone related to us should never go and that list is long. It’s not just countries, there are certain states and cities in the US which she would never visit.

As of now, the only countries I’m allow to visit are Japan, Taiwan, Canada, and UK.

Some of the countries I would love to visit are France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, and Iceland. It perplexes me of why I’m not “allowed” to go to these places.

Photo by Oleksandr P on

For France, my mom’s answers are “too left” and “too many protests” and “too dangerous.” I’ve seen news of protests in Paris probably last year but there aren’t any now, are there? I’ve seen one of my favorite YouTube vlogger travel to Paris and a couple of fellow bloggers recently made trips there. It seemed so peaceful.

I would love to see the Swiss Alps. My mom’s answer is the Alps is just a mountain. There are plenty of mountains outside my window. If I can recall, she was quite disappointed with Mt. Fuji and to be honest, I was, too, because I was hoping to see it snow-capped. Without the snow, it really did kind of looked like the mountains outside my home.

The Alps are different though, right? It’s one of the world’s most majestic mountain ranges. It’s got to be worth a trip.

In Norway, I love to see the Fjords. I love to take a cruise and just sail through the wonderful landscapes I’ve seen on a TV program once upon a time.

In Iceland, I love to see the aurora borealis. I know it’s a little far to go to see the northern lights but that is just part of it. I love to witness the geothermal ovens that can be used to bake breads in the ground and love to experience the 24-hour day light in the summer, and don’t forget about the hot springs.

There are so many things I want to see in this world that it’s nearly endless to name. Perhaps one day, I will get to make my dream come true and travel to these places.

9 thoughts on “Countries I would love to visit

  1. you would really love Germany, Austria and Switzerland. There is nothing prettier than Bavaria and Austria during the weeks before Christmas. France was fun but I could do without Paris. Spain is fun. The UK was a lot of fun to tour as well.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I’ve been to the UK and would probably go again but not to London. I’ve seen travel shows detailing the Christmas festivities in those European countries and yes, I would love to experience that at least once in this lifetime.


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