#WeekendCoffeeShare – End of May 2023 Garden

Good morning! Welcome to #WeekendCoffeeShare, thank you for joining me on this Saturday morning, hopefully in my garden.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you after 2 delayed flights and an 18-hour journey across the Atlantic Ocean, I finally arrived home at 11:30 PM on Thursday. If you haven’t been keeping up with my documentation of my trip to the UK, you can find the entire journey by clicking this link.

Fortunately, my uncle (mom’s brother) was able to come and pick us up from the airport even though our flight was delayed by almost 3 hours. As we arrived home, even under the dim glow of my porch light, I could see the transformation of my garden.

Holy cow, I thought, all this happened in 2 weeks? (the first image is before and the second is after).

My entire garden looked like it exploded. Some of the plants didn’t survive while some of the leaves grew into gigantic fans like my broccoli leaves, you can totally pull one off and use it as a fan.

This is the tower in my front yard. I neglected to take pictures of it before I left on my trip. So all I have was the picture taken on May 4th, 2023 but just look at the growth, particularly on the violas and lettuces.

Lastly, let’s take a look at the before and after on my new raised bed full of brassicas, flowers, and other vegetables.

I honestly didn’t think these would be so big. Those napa cabbages in the front? They are supposed to be mini-napa, yet their hearts are giant.

Finally, if we were having coffee, I would tell you I am planning on cleaning the front yard garden tower this weekend, removing any plant that has been bolted due to warm temperatures. I know the spinach has bolted, so that’s one that needs to be removed. Then I’ll have some room to plant other things.

#weekendcoffeeshare is hosted by Natalie of Natalie the Explorer. I appreciate you stopping by. Until next we chat. 🙂

21 thoughts on “#WeekendCoffeeShare – End of May 2023 Garden

    1. Delayed flights are certainly awful. They are the worst and it seems to be a regular thing in the post-covid world.
      Thank you. I’m happy with my garden progress this year. It’s much better than the last. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I think I’ve only been particularly aware recently or perhaps it’s because I planted a lot more than last year at this time of the year. It’s certainly amazing to come home to the transformation.

      Liked by 1 person

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