3 Days 3 Quotes Challenge – Day 3

So it’s day 3 and the last day of my 3 Days 3 Quotes challenge. I want to once again thank all my nominators (A Storyteller’s AbodeIt’s PH, and Yarnspinerr). It’s been a fun challenge and I’ve enjoyed it very much. Once again, because I’m just being lazy, I will leave the nominations open to all want to join. Just link your post back to mine is all I ask if you choose to participate.

Here are the rules (for the last time):

  1. Post 3 quotes on 3 consecutive days
  2. Thank the person nominating you
  3. Nominate 3 other people

Here is my quote for Day 3:



8 thoughts on “3 Days 3 Quotes Challenge – Day 3

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