Another Liebster Award

I’d like to thank Francesca at A Smith World for nominating me for the Liebster Award. This would put me at Liebster x3!


I am familiar with the rules but my nominees probably aren’t. So I’ll put them anyway.

The rules are…

  • Answer the questions that your nominator posted for his/her nominees.
  • Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Make up 11 new fun questions for your nominees.
  • Give some love back to your nominator and link back to his/her post.
  • You must nominate 5-11 bloggers.

Questions Time:

  1. What was the most inspiring book you read? I’m not sure. I’ve read too many books, most of them are in the supernatural and fantasy genre. These are books that seem to encourage me to write stories in this genre.
  2. What song gets you “pumped”? Any song with a moderate beat, meaningful lyrics (lyrics that tells a story), and sing by a powerful voice. Can’t think of any at the moment.
  3. How have you created meaning in your life? That seems to be the problem at the moment. My life seem to lack meaning. Everyday, I get up, I study, maybe get into a fight with mom, eat, and sleep along with a few hours blogging. My point is, until I pass this damn test, my life seems meaningless.
  4. What are you working on at the moment? I am working on passing the GMAT at the moment. When I’m not studying my brain off, I write my novella. I have been writing it on WordPress, using the Portfolio. I need a change of scenery. I used to use Word but I lost my inspiration. I tried Wattpad, that didn’t work, again, inspiration. It seems to work with WordPress for some reason. Two days and I’ve written almost 6000 words.
  5. Any other interests besides writing/ blogging? I don’t know if you can call it interest but I
    Credit: Flickr

    want to do some adventurous things like hiking and traveling. My mom doesn’t let me go, I mean she lets me go but I have to hear all about how I wasted all the gas blah blah blah, all the drool I don’t want to hear. So I don’t do it.

  6. What is you favorite time of the year? I don’t have a favorite time of the year. Every month, everyday is the same to me, either study or work.
  7. What do you enjoy most about blogging? Getting to connect with people all around the world and best of all, I get to complain with anyone yelling at me.
  8. Do you believe in love at first sight? Of course!
  9. Are you multi-lingual or know parts a few others? I am multi-lingual. I speak English, and Chinese which includes Mandarin, Cantonese, and my own endangered dialect. So that makes 4 languages?
  10. If you had live this life again on repeat, would you? Yes, I would. I would correct all my mistakes and get on the right foot with my mom. I will be smarter when choosing a major in college and I will pick the right, good job instead of the wrong kind of good jobs.
  11. Who was your first follower on WordPress? Well, that was a long time ago, three years, February 2013. I had to go to my insights page, go down to my followers, and click to page 52! Anyway, my first follower was a woman name, Eva Santiago. Her blog’s the same name.

11 Random Facts:

Why 11 when you can have 50! Go check out my 50 facts page!

Now for my 11 questions:

  1. If you can be any superhero, who would you be?
  2. If you are given a magic seed, you can throw it in the ground and it will grow whatever you want, what would it be?
  3. If you can go anywhere, where would you go?
  4. What is one thing you have been meaning to do but haven’t seem to find the time?
  5. What’s one word you always second-guess yourself when spelling it out?
  6. If you can change the name of a food, what would it be?
  7. If you can time travel to any destination in time, what year would it be?
  8. What is an ideal day?
  9. If you can wake up to any sound, what would it be?
  10. If a stranger hands you a hundred dollar (pound, euro, whatever your currency), what would you spend it on?
  11. Fill in the blank: In a perfect world,                      would be everywhere.


In no particular order!

  1. Little Calico Journal
  2. Cultivating Time
  3. Eloquent Paradise
  4. Luminous Aether
  5. Sanseilife
  6. Reflections of Life’s Journey
  7. Sweet Aroma
  8. I Am My Own Island
  9. Coloring Outside the Lines

14 thoughts on “Another Liebster Award

  1. Yinglan, congratulations on your #3. I thank you for the nomination, but I’m piled high in projects right now, so wisdom makes me pass this time. Your answers are interesting and you questions would be fun to do, so I’m tempted, but passing. Enjoy.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for accepting and answering the questions!
    And I agree, hiking or walking through the woods is a great way of relaxing and finding inspiration.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for the nomination. It’s really kind f you to think of me. I’ve had to take a few months break from blogging but I am hoping to get back to it over the next couple of weeks. I am inspired by tour answers and the questions you have set. Is it ok to answer your questions and pass on the Leibster in a couple of weeks time?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Yinglan
    I’ve finally got round to doing my Liebster Award Post. I think I’ve done it properly. Coming up with those 11 questions for you nominees is harder than you realise!
    Thank you for your questions. Here is a link to my post –
    Thanks again for the nomination. Its much appreciated.
    From Debra

    Liked by 1 person

Anything you want to ask? Want to know?