Song A Day Challenge – Day 2

About a week ago, I was tagged by Deb at Once Upon A Hot Flash for the Song A day challenge. Thanks, Deb, I hope to delight you and my readers with a song for the remaining 4 days.


  • Post the lyrics of a favorite song five days in a row, explain what they mean to you (if you like) and add the video if available. 
  • I’m supposed to nominate two bloggers a day. I’ll try but if I don’t, I’ll just leave the challenge open to everyone. 

Today, my nominees are:

  1. Spearfruit
  2. Bikurgurl

I love this cover version of the song, Hotel California. I like the calm folk vibe of the song. It makes me feel relaxed listening to it. At the same time though, this song reminds me of the good times I had with my step-dad. It was one of his favorite songs and we used to listen to it on the home stereo all the time. “It sounds so much better,” he’d say and after listening to this song several times, I fell in love too. It’s probably the only song I like that’s much older than me.

If you don’t know this band, this is an English folk band. I like their music. Listening to their music transports me to my relaxing place. Try listening to this song eyes shut with a pair of noise-cancelling headphone leaning back on a recliner.

I do not have the lyrics for this one.

5 thoughts on “Song A Day Challenge – Day 2

  1. Boy does this song bring me back to my late teens, early twenties. My girlfriend and I used to go out on the weekend and we’d always end up at this Chinese restaurant and this song was always playing on their sound system. It such a great song, the lyrics are amazing! 🙂

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