#SundayStills – World of #Wildlife

Whenever one of my mom’s friends comes to town, Yellowstone is the must-see destination for them since we live only a 5-hour car trip away from the iconic place. Her friends would often ask, “Will we see bison there?”

Mom would scoff, “if you’re lucky,” and this is because she’s been there multiple times and haven’t seen bison as close up as I have. I was caught in bison traffic when I visited the park in 2017 as I was trying to get out of the park before nightfall when a herd of bison began walking alongside my rental car. It was a scary and thrilling moment but I was frozen in place, too scared to grab my camera which was next to me.

I visited the park again in 2021 and was lucky this time. No bison walked beside me nor anywhere near me and on day 2 of the trip, I was presented a surprise. Herds of bison lying there in the open and it was a perfect photo-op for me. I took picture after picture until everyone else got bored, got back into the car, and shouted, “let’s go.”

Sunday Stills

16 thoughts on “#SundayStills – World of #Wildlife

    1. Those people taking pictures of the bison outside their cars are either brave or dumb. I make sure they’re at a good distance before aiming my long lens at then.


      1. I hear you! Considering the number of firings each year, I don’t think brave comes into it. Did you read about the woman who got charged by a grizzly mother at the beginning of the summer because she wanted a selfie? She was lucky she lived to be fined.

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  1. How amazing to see the bison up close, Yinglan, and also how amazing to live so close to Yellowstone! Beautiful shots and I understand how both thrilling and frightening it can be to be so close to such huge creatures. We hope to make it to Yellowstone this summer now that we live near Spokane. That whole part of the country is stunning. Thanks for hopping into Sunday Stills this week!

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      1. It is. We lived and worked for two years at Madison Campground. (Not in the winter).

        I loved it! We’re learned so much about the history, and more about the daily lives of the animals. We had to learn to “look both ways” coming outside our RV in case the bison moved in overnight. Lol, we named a few of the bears.

        I hope you never lose that dream. It is the amazing you know. May and September are the best months. Donna

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      2. Your life in Yellowstone sounds like a dream to me. 🙂 I hope I get to do that someday. I have been to Yellowstone in May and I agree, it’s one of the best times to visit.

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  2. I made two trips to Teddy Roosevelt in North Dakota. My first trip was the South unit which was more enjoyable to me with more hiking trails, but I didn’t see any bison. On the trip to the North Unit after hiking for a while, I decided to leave. I still hadn’t seen any bison, that was until i got in my car to drive away and after about 7 minutes of driving i saw heard of them up close. It was worth it!

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