#SundayStills: Monthly Color Challenge – #Pastels

Personally, I love pastel colors and feel like it doesn’t feature in nature enough.

I’m still loving my personal meadow in my backyard even though my new favorite flowers – these Baby Blue Eyes (flowers) – have since faded in the 90-degree heat. As it fades, other flowers have taken its place and I’d bet more flowers will be coming until the frost kills everything.

I sowed two packet of seeds – a Waterwise flower mix and a Made in the Shade Mix. The Baby blue eyes came from the Made in the Shade while this came from the other seed packet. Let me see what this flower is called – Bird’s Eyes. I’m not sure if I’m a fan of the dark purple but I love the pale purple.

Finally, how about a shot of a potato flower?

According to the internet, when a potato plant flowers, it’s a signal that it’s producing tubers and a potato plant will only flower when the nights are cool. I didn’t know that because from all the videos I’ve watched on growing potatoes, none of them said anything about potato flowers.

These were taken a few weeks ago. The plant has begun dying back since then and I have a feeling it’s time to harvest, for the blue potatoes at least.

For #SundayStill

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