Most Delicious Thing Ever Eaten

Daily writing prompt
What’s the most delicious thing you’ve ever eaten?

I’ve eaten many delicious things, some of which you may find disgusting while some you may find weird. So you’ve been warned… I also don’t have a “most” delicious thing because there’s always something that will top it later.

Photo by Kindel Media on

I don’t know whether I had the real thing or if it’s just the imitation of the real thing, personally, I hope it was the imitation, I think some of the most delicious things I’ve ever eaten are jelly fish, sea cucumbers, and shark fin. Shark fin and jelly fish can be easily imitated using flour to shape it into noodles. That was eons ago when I had those things but I still remember them. They all had one thing in common – they were all slimy.

I don’t know what’s up with me and slimy foods but I love them. Another slimy food that falls into my delicious foods category is tapioca balls. You may know it as “boba” but I like the kind that’s clear and tiny and I like them in coconut milk, none of those high sugar teas. I’ve only ever had boba tea once and didn’t really like it – too sweet for my liking.

Recently, I may have found something that tops these slimy things and that’s homegrown strawberries. They are absolutely the best snack on a hot day but I don’t like to pick them in the middle of the day after the sun has been beating down on them. Some people, I find, like a warm strawberry, not me.

Perhaps, it’s because I’ve been eating strawberries for the rest of the year, so fresh strawberries will automatically taste like the best thing ever. Or maybe it’s because my diet has been so restricted because of my health problems that even simple things such as strawberries taste so delicious to me.

It’s funny, I pulled a lettuce leaf while watering the only day and thought that was the refreshing thing ever. Isn’t that weird?

4 thoughts on “Most Delicious Thing Ever Eaten

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