Share Your World – Week of February 1, 2021

Photo by Amina Filkins on

If the government offered to suspend all laws, and law enforcement for 24 hours, letting you (and everybody else) do whatever you wish… Would you be in favor of it, or not?  (Credit for this question goes to Cyranny and her Daily Quickie Question)

No way, not even if I was given shelter in an impenetrable fortress (as a few bloggers pointed out). In my mind, if this was to come true, a lot of folks would be on the street, with their shotguns loaded and would gun down anyone they don’t like. The world would have a “Hunger Game” situation – defend or die.

My mom has been telling me she wants to get a gun these past few weeks and even that, to me, is frightening enough given what I wrote about my mom’s temper in my past posts.

What would be the creepiest thing you could say while passing a stranger on the street? (We’re suspending the whole social distancing and Covid involvement in this scenario)

“Hi, can we get to know each other more and be friends?”

I actually had a stranger write this in a chat while playing online Scrabble the other night.

Photo by Maria Orlova on

As a child, what did you think would be great about being an adult, but isn’t as great as you thought it would be?

Prior to writing my response, I saw a few bloggers write “having a job” or “making money”. I initially wanted to put that as my response but after thinking it over, having worked as a child, I came to that realization early on but since I’ve never lived in a house as a child other than being a guest in someone’s house, I had always dreamed of owning my own home (doesn’t matter if it’s a single-family house or a townhome).

Now that I am an owner of a house, it’s not as great as I had imagined since I can’t just call the apartment maintenance guy to come to fix whenever something’s broken. And let’s not mention the expenses to maintain a home. Yikes!

What, in your opinion, has been blown way out of proportion?

In a way, I feel politics are often blown way out of proportion. I think politicians sometimes can be the biggest drama queen and kings. To garner attention, they can make the smallest things out to be the biggest.

Where is your ‘happy’ place?  

One of my happy place is alone in my car, listening and singing out loud to my favorite tunes, and cruising down the freeway. My other happy place is also alone in the mountain somewhere with my camera in my hand.

Share Your World Challenge

3 thoughts on “Share Your World – Week of February 1, 2021

  1. Thanks, Yinglan for Sharing Your World! I have a relative who bought their first home last year. They’re getting on in years and for various reasons had never owned a home. They have been shocked (and dismayed) at the cost it is to own your own place. It’s definitely a young person’s game, and I’m glad you got to do it! The equity is the ‘treasure’ in doing all that maintenance and keeping the house in good shape! But it can be a lot more exciting thinking about it, than the reality is definitely. Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. To be honest, after seeing first hand, I don’t think owning a home is anyone’s game – young or old. Unless the house is brand-new, there are so much repairs and maintenance that has to go into a house and even then, the house still feels like a ticking time-bomb when any moment, something will break down.
      I agree about the equity especially right now when house prices are going up so fast. It was definitely not what I thought. Thank you for visiting and have a great week.


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