Share Your World – 2016 Week #36

If you were given a boat or yacht today, what would you name it? (You can always sell the yacht later)

3840x2160-nature_ocean_sailboat_boat_photography-22470Hmm, “SS Baby Blue Sea” because I have this superstition that if I call something (car, stereo, computer, tablet) “baby”, then it’ll work hard for me and won’t break down on me.

Which of Snow White’s 7 dwarfs describes you best? (Doc, Happy, Bashful, Sleepy, Sneezy, Grumpy, Dopey) Plus what would the 8th dwarf’s name be?

I would be a combination of Sleepy and Grumpy. Maybe it’s the constant exhaustion that makes me grumpy. I don’t know.

When I saw the question on Monday, my first thought was the 8th dwarf’s name would be “Dreamy”, a dwarf who day-dreams a lot. Then on Wednesday, I looked at the question again and the name “Teary” popped into my mind. Teary is a dwarf who cries at the drop of a hat. He’s a depressed dwarf. I can’t decide which is better. Who care?! Let there be 9 dwarfs!

Name a song or two which are included on the soundtrack to your life?

This is a hard one because I’ve heard too many songs. I can’t decide.

Complete this sentence: I like watching…0633a419d7b710da0f834478249f2b63

I like watching water rush back and forth on a beach. I usually watch that on YouTube or hear the sound on Pandora Radio. It helps me sleep.

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?wp-1473304657018.jpeg

I’m grateful for the hike up Adam’s Canyon last weekend. I captured some new pictures and the hike helped ease the anxiety I was feeling for my health. I will know soon exactly what is the matter with my body and I’ll report about it then. Not much is worth looking to in the week other than today is my Friday. The instructors for my Friday classes are out of town. That mean, early weekend for me. Woo Hoo!

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Share Your World Challenge

Image Credit (except noted): Google

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