In the Nostalgic Land of Chicago…

It’s been almost a year since I visited Chicago and I’m feeling a bit nostalgic. Those four days were some great times. I got to make my own decisions about what to eat and where to go. As much as I wanted to save money, I’d made some daring choices in those four days like eating big breakfasts, big lunches, and dinner. Some of those meals were some of the most I have ever spent in a restaurant.

Moreover, I got to be independent and for once, no one was there to yell at me or tell me not to do this, not to do that. I felt free.

I want to visit this city again. There are still many places waiting to be visit but with my aunt coming to visit shortly and with her recently catching the travel bug, I have no doubt I will soon accompany her to visit the great city again or perhaps, it might be one of the stops of the cross country trip my mom’s planning for next summer. I hope I will be able to join them.

Until then, I shall relive my trip through these black and white photos.

Millennium Park
The Art Institute of Chicago
On the streets of Chicago

Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge

Daily Post Photo Challenge – Nostalgia

18 thoughts on “In the Nostalgic Land of Chicago…

  1. Girl, your fast. I barely posted my Odd Ball photos and there you were.
    I’m so glad you got to visit Chicago. I’ve never been, but I’d like to visit it someday.
    A month ago some friends and I went to a park for a walk and couldn’t find parking. The park was full of several hundred people who now live in Minneapolis, Minnesota, but who used to live in Chicago. They’d gathered for one very large party. The picnic area was packed.
    Once we walked passed everyone, the rest of the park was mostly empty and we enjoyed the wilds of nature. Phyllis

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    1. Haha, not really, I was taking a short break from researching for my assignment.
      I’m glad I visited Chicago too. It’s different from how I imagined what a city would be. It’s definitely worth a visit.


  2. Chicago is a great place. I’ve been there more times than I can count… but there is always a new and memorable experience awaiting me. I’m glad you preserved your memories with photographs… and I’m glad we were able to see them. Good memories… great photos!


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  3. Lovely images! To be a companion with your aunt on her traveling sounds like a wonderful occupation! Your writing and photographing what you see through your own lens — now that is fulfilling 🙂 I love the choice of posting in greyscale — and Chicago? Wonderful city with so much art, food, and experiences to offer. It’s been far too long since I was there myself 😉

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      1. Looking forward to your posting more of your adventures {and don’t worry — approval from parents is something you’ll always strive to have and if you’re like me, never feel like you’re completely fulfilling no matter your age or occupation}, and I’ve learned that for me, now in my 40s, that much of the pressure is from within…the perfectionist tendencies I have and recognizing self-satisfaction will always be fulfilling. Expectations others will recognize it may go unfulfilled — and I’ve realized for myself, that that’s okay.}. I see so much of my younger self in your writing. You give voice to the throngs of young women who have walked in your shoes, or are walking in your shoes. I so enjoy your perspective — thank you so much for sharing! 🙂

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