Friday Fictioneers: Perfect Contraption


“Is it safe?” She asked, examining the contraption. “Because if I get hurt, it’ll be on you.”

He sighed, “How many times do I have to tell you? It’s absolutely safe. If you don’t believe me, why don’t you try it out now?”

“I most certainly will.”

Using the ladder, she made her way to the platform above the contraption. “Ready?” He said.


He began turning the crank. The gears started to turn and the platform rose. After a few moments, the gears stopped turning. She had reached the top. “See, I told you it works,” he said proudly.

(100 words)

Each week, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple hosts Friday Fictioneers where we’re challenged to write a piece of flash fiction in 100 words, more or less, based on the picture above.

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