Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers: The Weather Wizard

Photo Credit: Akshata Ram

Ryan guffawed when Sam told him his weather wizard worked. “Oh yeah? If you don’t believe me, go take a look yourself.” Sam led him to the helicopter and together, they ascended into the air. As they sailed over the neighborhood, Ryan’s disbelieving face slowly turned to shock.

“Oh. My. God!” Ryan said slowly, enunciating each word, and then turned to Sam, “Why didn’t tell me my weather wizard turned the neighborhood into a winter wonderland?”

Sam let out a loud “Ha! You didn’t even believe me just now.”

Ryan rubbed his hands together, “Now if I can just turn the world into a winter wonderland.”

“Um, don’t you think that’s a little evil?” Sam pointed out.

Ryan wrapped an arm around Sam, “My dear brother, you’re not seeing the big picture. By turning the world into a gigantic ski resort, we’re giving people access to something that’s only accessible in cold climates.”

And we’re giving the others access to something they don’t like? Sam wanted to say but as always, he agreed with Ryan.

(~175 words)

I am participating in Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writer, where we write a piece between 100 and 150 words (more or less 25 words) in length inspired by the photo prompt above. 

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