What have I been doing? Why I haven’t written?

Source: planyourmeetings.com

Can you believe we’re already at the end of July?

I was listening to Radio Classics on SiriusXM last week as I was driving to work. It’s been a while since I listened to this station. I used to listen to this station all day long while I’m at work but ever since I started working from home and with all the distraction from my mom and other stuff, I switched to listening to other stuff instead.

Anyway, I tuned to this station last week and it was playing Jingle Bells and I was like, “What in the world?” Then I remembered the station does Christmas in July during the week of the 24th. I began thinking, are we even going to have a holiday this year?

I asked my dietitian the same question and even she was skeptical.

Anyway, I have been busy since last I’ve written. Between work, my mom, my aunts, family, and my crochet projects, I hardly had the time to sit down and write.

I know I know, what a bunch of excuses. 

There were so many times when a thought popped into my head and suddenly, all I wanted to do was to get in front of a computer and type but people (family) and things (like food and travel videos) always get in the way and then I forget.

First of all, I had been stuck at home like most of the world. I was supposed to go back to the office three days a week at the end of June but the pandemic happened. I checked the numbers everyday and everyday, there were more and more cases. Now, I have to wear a mask whenever I go out. At the grocery store, I can see people are afraid. People avoid each other as they scurry along with their carts full of groceries, eyes darting left and right as to make sure they weren’t exposed.

The summer heat has been especially miserable this year. Every time I step outside even early in the morning, I’d feel like I’m being baked from the inside out. I’ve lived in Utah for 13 years and the summer heat has never been this bad.

Even at 7 in the evening, when I’d go out to water my garden, I’d feel searing heat at the back of my shirt less then 5 minutes after stepping outside. I read somewhere that it might have something to do with the elevated amount of Carbon Dioxide in the air but who knows. Maybe the apocalypse is near and the way we go is getting swallowed by the sun.

Onto a totally different subject, my container garden was a bust. I have no clue what happened. Shortly after I transplanted the plants I got from the nursery, almost all the plants turned yellow and brown. Before I knew it, I was watering dead plants. So far the only plants thriving are my dianthus/pinks hybrid, geraniums, pincushion flowers, thrifts, and 4 of the 6 green bell peppers. I replanted the lavender and since then, it hasn’t been doing well. And the rosemary, I don’t know if it’s doing well. It hasn’t grown much in the past few months and it’s leaves are starting to look brown.

I also redecorated my bedroom and became somewhat of a wiz at assembling Ikea furniture in the process. Is it weird to say putting together furniture is fun?

I’ve also been watching a lot of movies. Slowly but surely, I watched all the Avenger films up to End Game. If you ask me which is my favorite superhero, I’ll still say Superman. Don’t ask why.

After listening to a podcast that talks about the making of Star Wars, I started watching Star Wars. I’m currently on the third movie and I’m beginning to see what the rave is about. Now I can totally talk about my Star Wars experience next May at my Toastmaster meeting.

Last but least, I finally finish crocheting my first blanket (64 6-in-by-6-in granny squares) which probably is the main reason for why I haven’t written. I’m stubborn like that. When I start something, I won’t stop until I’m finished.

6 thoughts on “What have I been doing? Why I haven’t written?

  1. Congratulations on having successfully completed your lovely quilt. I could never be consistent in the size of stitches in order to make anything. You have done well. Glad for a report from you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think we are all feeling a little different during this time. Your crochet project was a practical one that was probably a good relaxing therapy for you. I feel like knitting does that for me–as long as it is an easy project. Your blanket turned out great!

    Liked by 1 person

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