Six Sentence Story: Bank

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Sister 1: I watched my sister from our third-story apartment window, dashing across the street without looking both ways for incoming traffic. What is she thinking, I thought, who is she doing this for, day after day, rushing from job to job, while only in the apartment for the 4-hour catnap before heading off again.

Sister 2: My heart pounded as I dashed across the street, she wouldn’t get it, I thought. She wouldn’t understand why I’m doing this, working four jobs trying to put food in the fridge, trying to put a few bucks in the bank so we can get out of the hellhole currently called “our apartment”, I don’t think she would ever get it.

Sister 1: “Damn it!” I screamed, wanting to punch something, somebody, why, oh why is the market doing this to me, why is it never in my favor, I invest well, I do my research. I logged into our bank only to see the meager amount of spending money in the account and wondered, should I move the fund into the stock portfolio?

Written for Six Sentence Story. The prompt is “Bank”.

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