Share Your World – Week of April 29, 2024

Have you ever had a hangover? How old were you?

No, can’t say I’ve ever drunk enough to warrant a hangover. The most I’ve drunk is a shot glass of wine. It was good but it was not something I would like taste again. That was probably 6-7 years ago.

Was your favorite social gathering place a pub, club, or restaurant?

My favorite social gathering place is neither of those places, well, it is a restaurant but not just a restaurant. When my co-workers schedule team events, we usually go to sporty places like places where we can bowl and eat or golf and eat. I think it’s better than sitting around the table and just eat. A little game can help the food digest.

Which do you prefer to play: darts, pool/snooker, table football or a card game?

Though I’ve never played darts, I think I would prefer to play darts over the others. I enjoy axe throwing and I imagine darts would be pretty similar.

Do you still meet up with your friends on a regular basis?

My only friends are my co-workers and we meet in the office once a week to converse and have fun. Yes, work is fun during that one day each week when everyone shows up in the office.

Share Your World

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