Six Sentence Story: Level

Photo by Eran Menashri on Unsplash

Damn, the guy on YouTube made this leveling thing look so easy, how the hell did he do that? Yeah, I put the level tool where he put his, why is this so hard?

Come on, dammit, level!

Come on, that’s it, now I’m going to let go, stay there, stay, stay for me now.

Gah dammit, you stupid thing, what am I doing wrong, huh? You know what forget it, I’ll find another way to level you out.

Written for Six Sentence Story. The prompt is “Level”.

9 thoughts on “Six Sentence Story: Level

      1. Or someone with good eyesight. 😀 I actually tried to do this with my raised beds and it was very hard especially when I’m doing it on my own.

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