#WeekendCoffeeShare: Last of 2021 Gardening and Weird Numbers Nightmares

Hello and welcome. Come on in and let’s talk but first, we must have drinks. I’m in the mood for a mug of hot chocolate, how about you?

If we were having coffee, I would tell you I finally filled one of the 100-gallon grow bags I purchased a few months back. This will be a mini-raised bed next year. I’m trying to do more now so I will have less work to do come next spring. I also move some vegetables to these little 7-gallon grow bags. These veggies will probably benefit in some fresh new soil.

That was after I apparently bought too much soil – enough to fill one giant 100-gallon, one 30-gallon bag, one 20-gallon, and four 7-gallon bags. This is for trusting Google too much. It told me the 100-gallon will require 13.13 cubic-foot of soil but in reality, it only required 9.5 cubic feet.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you one of my aunts is returning to China next week. She had been asking me whether I’ll miss her for the next two years because that’s how long she’s planning to stay there. I didn’t provide an answer especially after she called me an encyclopedia because she, and apparently everybody else, seems to think I know everything.

Part of me is actually happy she’s going to be gone. So what I’d be missing a hiking buddy? She’s one less person that’ll bug me with every little problem. I would move up a spot on mom’s priority list with her gone. I might actually get the opportunity to go somewhere alone for a change as my mom will have no one to order to tag along.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you I hate stress. It does weird things to me. My head is all jumbled. My memory is horrible. Oh, and let’s not mention my nightmares are scarily vivid.

First, let’s talk memory. I can’t remember a single password these days, but then can you? The other night, my brain went blank when mom asked for the wi-fi password. I stored the password on an app but on that fateful night, for some reason, the app wouldn’t open. It spin and spin.

Well, mom wanted it that instant and I couldn’t give it to her. She got angry at me for choosing a complicated password. “Am I supposed to just people hack into my network?” I told her. Her siblings have already used my wi-fi despite not living in my house. Also, with the web being a more dangerous place than the real world, I have to protect myself from virtual intruders, if you know what I mean. I can’t understand how can someone who’s worked for military intelligence like my mom doesn’t understand the vulnerability of a weak password.

I also hate the fact that she expects me to memorize all the passwords. I’m not a freaking computer!

Now, let’s talk nightmare.

You know in the movies, when a character bolts up on a bed after having a nightmare? That’s what happened to me on Thursday night. Those dreams were so scarily vivid.

I first dreamed about work. I dreamed the products’ prices were all messed up again, that would be the third time in the last 3 months, which has caused more work on my part. I kept seeing the number 8 on every line of my spreadsheet report – the report which I use to reconcile the transactions. All the transactions were either $2, $4, or $8. What does it mean?

Then came the same old nightmare that caused me to bolt up on the bed – bank account overdrawn. There was a transaction that stood out for $2220. I could only see the word “connection” under the transaction. My head is spinning. What in the world does it mean?

Thank you for joining me for this weekend’s #weekendcoffeeshare. I hope we’ll both return next week.

8 thoughts on “#WeekendCoffeeShare: Last of 2021 Gardening and Weird Numbers Nightmares

  1. I used to have one default pasword I was using and everything was all gravy in the navy…. until some sites started demanding more from a password, special characters, numbers, capital letters and plottwists and I had to keep doing variations of the password(s) until I could never remember any of them… now I just keep signed in and hope that my laptop does not fall into wrong hands which is a less secure thing than had they just left me to use the password I know even in my sleep….
    Yikes about the nightmares hmmm sounds like work stress are balance sheets not balancing out?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too. I used to have one password for everything until I got a notice that Google’s been hacked and requested I changed my passwords except how do I come up with so many different passwords? I now have so many passwords that I can only remember one or two of the ones I use on a daily basis.
      Haha, I do accounting but not this kind of accounting. The nightmares are mostly related to my personal finance which I think it’s the thing I’m stressed out at the moment.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I high key think its mostly Google just having its way with us… I got the notification that I should change my password blah blah and now just gotten another one that my account now has activated 2 factor authentification… I dont need that drama right now hahaha
        hmmm well so your dreams are probably a reflection of the stress from the personal finances… do you have personal budget or you just wing it until you run out of money and wait for another pay day?


        Liked by 1 person

      2. I got the same notification and feel the same way. I think those dreams might have something to do with overspending last month on landscape rocks and having to pay land taxes this month. I don’t usually wing it but I don’t have a budget either. I guess I just go by intuition on this kind of thing.


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