What do you see #236 – Transformation

Photo by Kenrick Mills on Unsplash

Please note: this is 100% fiction!

“Relax, will you?” Brian said, watching his best friend, James, staring at the scratch on his arm. “It’s just a scratch.”

“Just a scratch? Haven’t you seen the movies? A scratch can have the same effect as a bite sometimes.”

Brian laughed, “Dude, you were scratched by a wolf, not a were-wolf. You watch way too many movies. Relax, the worst you will get is rabies.”

James stared at him blankly, “But I’ve already gotten my rabies shot.”

“Then you have nothing to worry. Now let’s just sit back, relax, and enjoy the full moon.”

James bolted up like the chair was on fire. “I can’t!” He screamed. “Can’t you see it’s affecting me?” He pointed at the moon.

“Dude, calm down.” Brian said slowly, edging out of his chair but before he could really run, a roar escaped from James’s lips and before Brian’s very eyes, he watched his best friend transform into the most hideous creature he’s ever seen.


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