Reflection Over Coffee #17

You would not believe what happened last week at school. Everyone’s telling me to vote vote vote for them!

Reflection over Coffee #17

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In case you missed last time:

Reflection Over Coffee #16

29 thoughts on “Reflection Over Coffee #17

  1. We have local council elections coming up in the UK and already the Tories are trying to rig the vote by changing the voting boundaries to split up nonext Tory seats

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    1. My school began student body elections the moment I returned from spring break which was a big and annoying surprise for me. It was the “nobody told me” part that was annoying.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. By all means, you need to promote fitness, but there is no point in getting everyone to forced into Rugby, Lax or Football if you aren’t sporty

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      2. I know, right? I don’t know how many times I got hit in the head by a ball. In China, PE involved gymnastics too where we were supposed to know how to do a backflip and frontflip without being taught. I couldn’t do it.


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