Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Events

Almost two weeks ago, I spent most of the weekend in nature. It was awesome. I got to witness real quiet, without all the city noises (road and air traffic and sirens) and I got to go to places I never thought I’d go. One of those places was the Golden Spike National Historic Monument and we went at the perfect time too. There was a special event that day. Visitors got the rare opportunity to watch the replica of the old Union Pacific train go for a drive.


This is the replica of the Union Pacific steam engine train used for material and laborer transport during the construction of the continental railway in the 1860’s. At first, I thought this was the real thing and they’ve restored it to its former glory but someone raised the same question to the ranger and he said it’s a replica, the original train was retired in 1908.

Golden Spike 1

I am standing on the spot where the last of the spikes were placed and facing west in this photo and as you can see, the spare materials remain stacked neatly on the side.


The weather was perfect that day. No clouds, sunshine, though it was blistery hot. As I stood there watching the train go backwards, I couldn’t help to think that it kind of felt like the train is a cute puppy needing a walk and this was the walk.


There were two rails and there I was, standing by the second rail. I recorded almost the entire thing and will be posting it on YouTube probably this weekend and then I’ll share with you. I have to say though, hearing that train horn in the distance as the train was making its way toward me, it felt haunting like a ghost in the past has come back. Or maybe I’ve just watched too many historical documentaries about the Civil War Era.

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge

22 thoughts on “Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Events

  1. Ohh, what a wonderful steam engine! It’s great they’ve made a replica of this one. I know they aren’t at all environmentally-friendly but steam trains really are magical – the tales they could tell! (… or certainly the original one could, I guess 😉 ). Lovely post – I enjoyed your event 🙂

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