Lens-Artists Challenge #142: You Pick It! – Spring 2021

This week for the Lens-Artists Photo Challenge, we are assigned the easy topic of You Pick It! and I am picking Spring 2021 for my topic.

I am once again attempting to build my container garden. All except for the purple columbine and dianthus survived the winter and it’s slowly growing back. After spending over an hour at the nursery last weekend, trying to decide what I want to plant this year while ogling over the pretty flowers, I decided on some ranunculus varieties and carnations.

However, this week’s roller-coaster temperature did not help one bit. After one week, much of the yellow ranunculus failed to survive the harsh night-day temperature difference, I was left with this lone survivor.

…and it’s looking like it’s not going to last longer.

The other ranunculus is coming in nicely. I just hope both plants will survive the blooming season.

Meanwhile, I will enjoy playing with my new macro lens filters, shooting pictures of the pretty flowers. These were shot with the 1x macro filter. I think they came out nice and the 4 x 3 crop works for all three images.

Last but least, I am going to leave with some blooming carnations.

16 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Challenge #142: You Pick It! – Spring 2021

  1. Love ranunculus and your macros! I don’t think I can grow them here, butsometimes I buy a bouquet – because of their immense beauty. Good luck with them and Happy Easter!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you. Ranunculus don’t do well in cold climates, I’ve come to find out and they are very picky about their light source but they’re sure beautiful. Happy Easter and have a great week.


    1. Kinda, I think there is some photography magic there. The yellow one is just about half alive these days and the leaves for the other ranunculus are becoming yellow. I think the only thing pretty about them are the flowers. The carnations are thriving though.


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