#Bloganuary Prompt Day 1 to 3

I feel so late to the game but I have been feeling pretty uninspired the past few days as the result of an ear blockage which may or may not had been due to an infection in my gums and sinus. Before you say it might be a build-up of earwax, I’ve checked and cleaned my ear with my endoscopic ear picker (ear picker with a tiny camera).

Ugh, I really do hope this will go away soon. It skews my life.

Anyway, now onto the prompts:

Day 1:

What advice would you give your teenage self?

I will admit that I don’t really have any advice to give to my teenage self. I had a teenager life that was probably different than a lot of people. I was running a household, taking care of the expenses and finances. Life wasn’t much different then as it is now except now I have a house and a garden to have fun in.

I was someone who was forced to grow up too early in life so I never really truly experienced a proper childhood nor did I experience any of the teenage stuff like prom, dances, etc. So no, I don’t have any advice to give my teenage self because I was living a similar life then as I am now.

Day 2:

What is a road trip you would love to take?

A road trip I would love to take is a North American cross-country road trip. One of my life-long dream is to drive across the country, to see all the famous landmarks and diverse landscapes. I must be in the driver’s seat though as I love to drive and hate to be the navigator.

Day 3:

Write about the last time you left your comfort zone.

I have a fairly small comfort zone and it seemed to have become smaller in the last few days. My ear blockage and painful gums have throw me off-kilter and made me not wanting to go anywhere. The last time I left my comfort zone was yesterday reluctantly as my fridge was empty and I needed food.

I must admit, having to depend on my left ear for hearing is hard and the blockage had made my right side feel especially heavy, which is very annoying and uncomfortable. However, I think until my oral surgeries are done, my comfort zone will remain rather small.

5 thoughts on “#Bloganuary Prompt Day 1 to 3

  1. LOL – don’t even know what Bloganuary is 😂😂. I remember taking a road trip (w/hubby) for either honeymoon or 1st anniversary, that took us from North part of Oregon to Southern part – was a fun trip. Camped, one night, on border of Oregon/California.

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