#WeekendCoffeeShare – Garden After Rain

Hello, welcome to #weekendcoffeeshare. I’m out today and afraid I won’t make it to our coffee chat this morning but don’t let me stop you from having your coffee. We’ll just have a pre-recorded chat.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you I’m going to an airshow today. Normally, this airshow happens every two years. The last one was supposed to be 2020 but it didn’t happen. I don’t think I need to tell you the reason. You know why.

I saw the one from 2018 from my backyard. I remember blogging about it but I didn’t have any pictures as I didn’t have a long-zoom lens until I bought one later that year. I hope I get some awesome shots this time. People say it’s supposed to be spectacular this year.

It better be because it’s all I’ve been hearing the last few months – jets zooming over my roof, practicing.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you Mother Nature delivered another rainstorm on Monday morning. It was truly a surprise because I checked the weather forecast and the possibility of rain wasn’t all that high. I was off on Monday but had a counseling appointment. The rain felt so refreshing as it soaked and cleaned my car on the drive over to my therapist and I knew when I get home, I just had to see my garden.

I was in love with how green it was. And the droplets! Did I ever mention I love taking pictures of water droplets? They’ve always been a challenge for me because I would have to focus on them manually and I could never know if I achieved focus. Now, armed with knowledge from the photography classes I recently taken, I now know how to focus manually on the water droplets. These photos are some of the most satisfying photos I’ve taken in a while.

Of course, my garden has changed since those photos. I pulled out all the lettuces on Tuesday – Summer Solstice – two of the tomatoes have ripened and eaten, and the the amount of snow peas have multiplied. I’m now hoping the snow peas will be done in the next few weeks so I can finally put in some cucumbers and pole beans.

I appreciate you stopping by and reading this week’s #weekendcoffeeshare, hope to chat again same time next week.

12 thoughts on “#WeekendCoffeeShare – Garden After Rain

  1. Hi YingLan,
    Sorry for being so late this week. I had – distractions.
    I too love shots of water drops. I especially love those shots that get even closer and allow the drop to act like a lens to something behind the drop – often a whole other world becomes visible.
    Maybe you could capture a few very close up close-ups of these small lens’ for us to enjoy along with what I expect will be some great shots of the air show.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Those are cool shots that require special lens. I might be able to do with filters I screw onto the lens. It’s been a while since I used those.
      I sure got some great shots at the air show. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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