Share Your World – Week of April 15, 2024

Regardless of whether you had them or not, can you remember three popular toys from when you were a child?

I didn’t keep up with popular trends when I was a child, particularly because I spent a majority of time either in school or doing homework. I can only remember something called “Digipet”, it’s a small device with a pixelate dog on the screen. You push a button to feed it and baby it. It’s similar to when we had take care of a toy baby in health class.

Anyway, I didn’t play with toys when I was child nor did I have many toys as a child, unless you count the boxes of jigsaw puzzles and the massive doll house.

Did you ever want something specific as a child, but never had it?

I’ve always wanted a remote car as a child. Those things just looked so cool. I still want one to this day but it feels like a drone is a much cooler-version of a remote car now.

Do you still have any toys or games from your childhood?

Other than pictures, I don’t have anything from my childhood. It’s been tossed or donated during the moves.

I think I’ve asked this before, but what was your favorite toy as a child?

If you count jigsaw puzzles as a toy, it’s always been my favorite because it’s different every time, which makes it never boring.

Share Your World

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