Sunday Poser #182 – Brain Exercise

What do you do to keep your brain active and engaged?

Do you believe that exercising the brain helps keep it active? And in that case, how do you keep it engaged?

I do believe that exercising the brain helps keep it active. I would say my brain is over-active and sometimes wish it would slow down just a tad. I feel like my brain is always off on some imaginary exciting adventure.

I have been told I’m an uptight person. I can’t relax and I think that’s my brain’s fault because it’s always coming up with new things to cause me anxiety and urgency.

I had to get my spine x-rayed last week. The x-ray tech kept telling me to relax my shoulders because they were getting in the way of getting a clear picture of my spine. I tried loosening up my shoulders but they were still tight. “Relax all the way.” The x-ray tech person said.

“I’m trying,” I told her. In the end, I had to carry 2 weights to lower my shoulders.

So I don’t think I really need to do anything to keep my brain active and engaged. Sure, I may play a puzzle game or two to flex my brain muscle or perhaps write a short story, but other than that, I do wish my brain would just slow down a bit to allow my physical self to catch up once in a while.


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