#WeekendCoffeeShare: Update on Rose Propagation

Hello and welcome. Come on in. It’s once again a wet chilly October morning. There will be rain in my neck of the woods today and you know what it means? Hot drink!

Do I sound chipper this morning? It’s probably the caffeine talking. I am in fact beyond tired; I ought to be after another 50+ hours work week. My arms feel like I’ve pitched a hundred baseballs from sorting and tossing rocks and dirt on my driveway.

You see, the rocks for my front yard finally arrived on Wednesday and I don’t know why mom had the guy put half on my uncle’s front yard and half on my driveway, probably to force me to be stuck at home as I couldn’t get my car out of the garage. Mom hasn’t stop complaining ever since – the rocks are so wet, it’s got so much dirt in it, did we get scammed?

I don’t think we got scammed. I ordered 17 tons of rocks and it looks like that’s what I got. It’s wet because it rained the day before and it has dirt because what do you expect? The rocks are kept outdoors on mostly unpaved ground. *sigh*

If we were having coffee, I would tell you a sad news. Remember the 9 roses I propagated around 3 weeks ago? One of them (the one on the right in the back row) didn’t make it. Its last leaf wilted and fell. I pulled it from the soil and discovered no roots had grown. Now there are 8 plants left – 3 red, 3 yellow, and 2 pink.

On the other hand, I will also report some good news. Sorry for the poor lighting, I’ve been busy with work and yard project that I kept forgetting to take a picture of these in the daylight hours. Anyway, three weeks in and there are new growth.

The photo on the left is the plant that’s in the second row on the left and the photo on the right is the middle plant in the back row. I had to pinch the bottom leaf as it wilted.

In the photo on the left, you can see the new growth – the bottom shoot – and in the photo on the right, the new growth is the tiny leaves on the right side of the stem.

I haven’t seen any roots peeking from the bottom of the pot yet but I’m hopeful I’ll see it soon. The internet says I can remove the plastic bag, which is making them sweat, in 6-8 weeks. It will be starting its 4th week this coming Monday, so I’m about half-way through. I’m hopeful it will do fine.

I would thank you for joining me in this edition of #weekendcoffeeshare and hope we’ll both return next week.

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