#WeekendCoffeeShare – Birthday in Canada

Good morning! I am on the road to Ottawa today from Toronto and since it’s my birthday, Starbucks is giving me a free drink. So take yours and join me on the road.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you I have a feeling this would be a special birthday because I’m in Canada. Hopefully, mom will not ruin this day like she had ruined day 3 of the trip aka Thursday, September 22.

Today is day 5 of the trip and we are already a mess. My gums has been swollen since arriving in Buffalo, New York, probably from being dehydrated from the lack of drinking fountain in Canada. I can barely talk at times because of the pain and I’ve been irritated by the way mom makes me shout sometimes just so she could hear me even though shouting exacerbates the pain in my mouth.

Mom was having on and off fever yesterday, which she thinks might be an infection somewhere and not COVID. She was having pain in her legs before we left on our trip, which caused her to barely able to walk. Having walked almost 30 miles since Tuesday, she’s almost constantly complaining about the pain in her legs and guess who had to put up with it?

I swear, if we were a married couple, I would be the husband, putting up with all the complaints and temper tantrum and never getting what I want while needing to do everything else like keeping an eye on Google Maps while paying attention to the road signs because it seems like, when in Canada, one is unable to read road signs and drive at the same time. I hate being the navigator because sometimes, I have trouble reading the GPS and sometimes, the GPS has trouble pinging my location. That’s when the one-sided shouting matches begin because mom wanted everything to be perfect.

Unfortunately, I’m far from it.

Last night, she actually called me selfish for wanting to finish the trip. 4 days in and she’s wanting to go home. Well, we can’t because our plane tickets are non-refundable and to modify our plane fares cost more than the original plane tickets alone. She also suggested we could go hole up in Richmond or Philadelphia. Who’s the selfish one now?

I knew this would happen, why did I even agree or be excited to go on this trip in the first place?

Anyway, here are some of the memorable photos I shot on the trip so far. I have posted an entry for Day 1-3 of the trip so far, you can read each one by clicking on the links.

#weekendcoffeeshare is hosted by Natalie of Natalie the Explorer. I appreciate you stopping by and hope to chat again same time next week.

27 thoughts on “#WeekendCoffeeShare – Birthday in Canada

    1. Today was actual all right other than the fact that she was a bit sick. She’s a bit cranky when she’s sick. Fortunately my GPS cooperated, thank goodness.
      I did wish she let me drive though instead of making me sit there and wait in the car while she took a nap.


  1. Happy Belated Birthday, Yinglan!

    Coffee dehydrates a person even more so follow it up with plenty of water. Also, maybe you could get some salt packets from the hotel and rinse your mouth with salt water. Hope you feel better.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. 🙂
      I’ve been drinking a minimal amount of coffee in the last few days. For my birthday drink at Starbucks, I ended up getting a iced matcha latte instead of the pumpkin spice latte I’ve been wanting simply because I think green tea is better than coffee.
      I’m currently in Ottawa and will be back in the US tomorrow. Somehow, I’m excited about it and I don’t know whether I’m bias but having been to Canada, I’ve grown to love the U.S now more than ever.


  2. Happy birthday!!

    Google maps can be frustrating. There were a couple of times when I end up in the wrong place — like I intend to go to the store but Google maps directs to a residential area. So weird!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you.
      That is weird that Google maps does that. It’s never happened to me while I’m near my home, only traveling. Like the other day, I wanted the entrance to Washington Crossing State Park in Jersey, it led me to the employee entrance. 😡 Not only it frustrated me but I had to deal with yet another tantrum from my mom about me misguiding her.


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