#SundayStills: Monthly Color: #Purple

This month’s color for #SundayStills is one that is my favorite – Purple.

I took this picture on the day I left for my trip to the UK. The sky was cloudy and I was in a hurry. I saw it the day before but didn’t have time to grab my phone and snap the picture. I was worried with the upcoming 80-degree-temperatures, my violas and pansies would fizzle by the time I’d get home.

I am absolutely loving my pansies and violas and know it’s definitely not the last time I’m growing these. The bleeding colors in the center make these flowers look like a masterpiece.

I shot this a few days before. This is the summer breeze viola, also started from seed. These might last a little longer as I planted them in a grow bag with the potatoes. When I left, the potatoes were already shading them and I have feeling they will be shaded even more by the time I return, since the potatoes are growing fast beneath the southern sun.

What can I say? I love the color purple.

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